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About the Project


Protecting the rights of children, especially the most vulnerable, is one of the objectives of the EU, which is committed to reducing poverty and social exclusion, including those outside the family (Porto Social Summit, 2021). Precisely with regard to this target, already in 2009 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, to ensure that each state ensures that children grow up in their own families whenever possible and, if not, that alternative forms of care provide a protected and supportive environment.

For this reason, EURHOPE proposes to include young people in new networks of positive relationships with the educating community through civic participation paths based on values and initiatives at European level, able to answer the question «what can the EU offer me to improve my condition and, at the same time, what can I do to make my voice heard?». The proposed actions will enable out-of-family children to rethink and act for themselves to build a Europe closer to their needs and to the idea of a democratic and inclusive society.


Target Groups

The EURHOPE project priority target groups are:

Primary target group


Considering how adolescents in particular are difficult to place in family-based and/or social inclusion programmes due to their age and ultimately at greater risk of long-term social exclusion, Eurhope focuses on children in residential care between the ages of 13 and 16.

Secondary target group


Functional targets for the involvement of minors are positive adults from the territory, to be trained so that they can represent positive models of European citizenship, incorporating and transmitting European values to the minors involved.

Intended objectives of the project


EURHOPE is an Erasmus+ funded consortium made up of seven dedicated partner organisations from across Europe.

CUORE (Italy)

Cuore - Impresa Sociale was founded by a group of professionals with more than 20 years' experience in the field of training and active policies. Their commitment is to put their skills at the service of the community, with the aim of creating more growth opportunities for allə.


The "Centro Studi Affido" of "Progetto Famiglia" is an organisation composed of university professors, experts, operators in the field, students that intends to promote and enhance the contribution that the socio-psycho-pedagogical professions can give to the development of family foster care, to the prevention and fight against child abandonment, to the protection of the right of children and young people to grow up in a family.


MetaCometa APS is a non-profit association dedicated to supporting children and families in difficult situations. Founded with the objective of safeguarding and protecting children through foster care, MetaCometa is committed to providing help and support to families and individuals who wish to share the foster care experience, offering a network of families, training and support.

HAU (Greece)

The Hellenic American Union was founded in 1957. It is a non-profit educational and cultural organisation that offers accessible and innovative educational programmes, testing services and cultural events to a broad and growing audience.

ARSIS (Greece)

ARSIS is a non-governmental social organisation active since 1992 to support children and young people and defend their rights. It operates with centres in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Kozani and Alexandroupoli, but has also developed activities in many other cities.


INDEPCIE (Institute for the Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2018 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance.


Córdoba Acoge is a non-profit association that works for and for a transformation towards a social model of solidarity in which people from different cultures coexist. Córdoba Acoge belongs to the National Federation RED ACOGE.

Training and Education

Training Toolkit

Training Toolkit for children and adult volunteers to understand and evaluate socio-political content, assessing its reliability as a prerequisite for understanding the structure of the EU and its function.

Methodological Vademecum

Methodological Vademecum, to facilitate operators in enabling out-of-family children to express and construct their own vision of Europe, through game-based actions of civic participation.

Latest news

Keep up to date with all the information from the project here. 

Kick-Off Meeting in Cordoba

On 23 April 2024 EURHOPE partners had the opportunity to meet face-to-face for the first time at the headquarters of our partner Córdoba Acoge, in Córdoba, Spain.
This initial meeting allowed us to start the first steps on our Training Toolkit and Methodological Vademecum and to address the national realities of the minors and positive adults who will participate in the project in the near future.

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First Partnership Online Meeting

On March 11th we started our new Erasmus+ project with the first online meeting of the partners. Seven associations from Italy, Greece and Spain met together in the beginning of an excited adventure of 30 months to improve improve knowledge and exposure to EU socio-political information for children out of home.

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EURHOPE ‘EU as a solidarity’s house for minors out of home’

  • Project Title: ‘EU as a solidarity’s house for minors out of home’
  • Project Acronym: EURHOPE
  • Project Number: 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000184370
  • Start Date: 01st January 2024
  • Finish Date: 30st June 2026

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.