
Kick-Off Meeting in Cordoba

On 23 April 2024 EURHOPE partners had the opportunity to meet face-to-face for the first time at the headquarters of our partner Córdoba Acoge, in Córdoba, Spain.
This initial meeting allowed us to start the first steps on our Training Toolkit and Methodological Vademecum and to address the national realities of the minors and positive adults who will participate in the project in the near future.

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First Partnership Online Meeting

On March 11th we started our new Erasmus+ project with the first online meeting of the partners. Seven associations from Italy, Greece and Spain met together in the beginning of an excited adventure of 30 months to improve improve knowledge and exposure to EU socio-political information for children out of home.

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EURHOPE ‘EU as a solidarity’s house for minors out of home’

  • Project Title: ‘EU as a solidarity’s house for minors out of home’
  • Project Acronym: EURHOPE
  • Project Number: 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000184370
  • Start Date: 01st January 2024
  • Finish Date: 30st June 2026

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